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Planets in Transit in the Horoscope

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Each planet has its own influence on our lives The location of each of the planets in transit is giving us information about events in our life at the moment of the transit of the planet.
The Conjunction conjunction  Angle of 0 °-7°, I will refer as (+)
The Trine trineAngle of 120° and Sextile sextile Angle of 60°, I will refer as (+)
The opposition opposition 180° and the square 90°square , I will refer as (-)

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You can make a quick calculation of the aspect transiting now by entering the today's dateChart calculation and see which planets affecting your birth chart.

The the fast moving planets :
Sun  sun in transit, Moon Monn in transit, Mercury Mercury in transit venusVenus in transit and Mars Mars in transit.

The slow moving planets are :
Jupiter Jupiter in transit Saturn Saturn in transit Uranus uRANUS IN TRANSIT Neptune Neptune in transit and the slowest Pluto in transit

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Click on each planet for the transit interpretations

Sun in  tranit    Moon in transit    Mercury in transit    Venus in transit    Mars in transi

Jupiter in trasit    Saturn in trasit    Uranus in transit    Neptune in transit    Pluto in transit

 Sun in transit Me - Vitality - The body - Father - The life - Boss
The sun has a 1 year cycle. 30 days in each sign.

The sun is quite important in astrology transits, because it the energy source of the solar system. Physically the sun rules the basic energy of the body. Psychologically its the energy of the psyche.
Moon in transit

Emotions - Immediate Instincts - Mother - Land - Food.
Moon cycle in each sign is around 2.5 days. It is approximately 30 day cycle in the horoscope.

The transit of the moon if felt for few hours, it is important because it is mind chang. It depends on which house the moon is transiting and it also triggers sensitive point in the birth chart, hard aspects mostly.

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Communication - The Intellect - Thinking.
Mercury cycle in a horoscope takes approximately 88 days to orbit the Sun. If it is in retrograde (slowing in the solar system). So it is between 16-60 days. But never more than 44 degrees from the sun.

Mercury indicts shift of mental focus and communication you have with others. It is the routine of the day, the casual interchange with the world around you.

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Love - Art - Beauty - Possessions - Females.
Venus in a horoscope takes approximately 224 days to complete a full circle and stays for 30 days in a sign.

Venus like the sun, moon, mercury is also brief in their effects. Venus is love and emotions that bring people to gather, its a social planet, expect pleasant effects and happy contact and even strong feelings towards your surrounding.


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Action - Energy - Aggression - Wars - Male
Mars cycle in a horoscope takes approximately 687 to complete a full circle it is approximately 3 years and stay in a sign for 2 months.

Mars is the energy level, mostly physical energy level, it will signify a about a week of high or low energies. Could be disputes arguments or good body exercising. Mars transit venus can bring high sexual levels. With mercury high mental level. There is nothing wrong in a good fight!

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The Slow moving Planets

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Expansion - Success - Judgment - Philosophy
Jupiter cycle in a horoscope takes approximately 12 years to complete a full circle. Stays in a sign for 1 year.
In Capricorn until December 19 2020 and in Aquarius from December 19, 2020 to December 28, 2021.

Here comes the slow moving planets and the effects will be longer. Jupiter in transit will bring traditionally -GREAT BENIFITS-
Life seems more easy and you can archive successful matters but also gain weight. So we have to check what are the plants involved in this beneficiary transit.

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Restriction - Responsibility - Pessimism
Saturn cycle in a horoscope takes approximately 30 years. Stays in each sign for 2½ years. In Aquarius until March 7, 2023

Here comes one of the most important planets -SATURN - It represent the part of your life that has to be examined, the structure,responsibly and control. If you will find the need to give up unpleasant behaviors or asset, affection and so on.
It could be depression,sadness or emotional and financial loss. In a real way Sturm is our teacher of life !

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Rebellion - Revolution - Invention - Changes
Uranus cycle in the zodiac 84 years. Uranus stays in a sign for 7 years. In Taurus until April 25, 2026

With Uranus in transit you will experience the unusual, sudden and unexpected events. If you will be unwilling to accept the changes in your life, it will cause a strong mental stress.
You will have to expect the unexpected !!!

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Illusions - Dreams - Imagination - Drugs
Neptune moves around the zodiac every 164 years. Stays in a sign for 14 years. In Pisces March 30, 2025

Neptune is the most difficult influence to handle. Life becomes unclear and confused. Can be an influence of idealism and illusion, reality is not the same opposite to to Saturn. Confusion of the real and the unreal. Be very careful of illusions and deception.


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Transformation - Extremes - Regeneration
Pluto moves around the zodiac every 248 years. Stays in a sign for 10 to 20 years. In Capricorn until January 20, 2024
Pluto will be in Aquarius from January 20, 2024 through September 1, 2024, briefly retrograde back into Capricorn to tie up loose ends, and reenter Aquarius on November 19, 2024 … where it will remain until March 8, 2043.

This planet it is not an astronomical terms, it a dwarf planet, but it is the creator and the destructor. It breaking structures and building new ones. Old patterns of you life can be transformed or by event or person in you life for the good or for a total evil.
It is very important to know in which house of the horoscope it is transiting and it's affecting for a long time. Pluto is now in Capricorn until
January 20, 2024.
Do not resist the change go with it, let new aspects in your life to take over, if you resist it, it's a boomerang that can destroy you


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