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Venus natal horoscope Venus in transit to the planets


Venus like the sun, moon, mercury is also brief in their effects. Venus is love and emotions that bring people to gather, its a social planet, expect pleasant effects and happy contact and even strong feelings towards your surrounding.
Venus is a social planet and bring the most pleasure affect in our life.
Venus can indicate how easily you get satisfaction. Venus also shows what type of physical attentions you are most likely to seek and enjoy. Its affection, erotic, attraction, beauty and art.
Approximately 224 days to complete a full circle and stays for 30 days in a sign.

(+) Conjunction conjunction Trine & Sextile trine& sextile  (-) opposition & square opposition& square

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Sun transit to Sun

(+)trine& sextileconjunction Affection, feeling of love and you want to express it in many way as possible. This is a good day to please yourself.

(-) opposition& square Uncontrolled emotions, dishonesty, un fateful , exaggeration, it is not so bad, it's time to take things easy

Sun transit to  Moon

(+)trine& sextileconjunctionContent feelings , sociability, excellent for your personal and domestic life. A real romantic mood.

(-) opposition& square Conflicts in love mainly woman, it is not so troublesome, mainly if you are not doing some thing in excess.

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Sun transit to Mercury

(+)trine& sextileconjunction A day of light topics, nothing serious or difficult. You may be poetic and even write a poet. You can think about the good life and good humor.

(-) opposition& square Pleasure seeking, extravagance, disputes with female and even slander (bad mouthing).


Sun transit to Venus

(+)trine& sextileconjunction This could be a new cycle of love, new direction in love and a desire for beautiful things or gifts.

(-) opposition& square Strong passion,carelessness and bad taste. Do not schedule heavy work or subjects, with you intention bad results will surface in the future.

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Sun transit to Mars

Conjunction conjunction This is a strong attraction and a strong desire for sexual acts. Physical passion is on the rise, sexual relations are very satisfying.

(+)trine& sextile Like all venus mars transit it is likely to arouse you sexual desire.

(-) opposition& square It good for sexual energy if all going well, if non sexual relation are with your partner, there may be arguments and love conflicts. Be cartful with relation that start only just on physical attraction , it a good time for just a quick sex encounter.

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Sun transit to Jupiter

Conjunction conjunction This transit is good for types of relationship, but it lasts about 3 days. It lucky financially or money spending, BE CARFUL !

(+)trine& sextile Popularity and small good surprises. It easy to socialize and just to enjoy good company.

(-) opposition& square This is extravagance, loss and legal issues can arise. Eating and drinking alcohol could lead to exaggeration.

Sun transit to  Saturn

Conjunction conjunction Love is very practical and considerate, You are restrained by any love gestures.

(+)trine& sextile Same as conjunction but you may seek friendship, do not take it too seriously, its pretty short.

(-) opposition& square This transit is most lease of venus in transit. Duties and responsibilities will restrict you. Loneliness and self pity can occurred, but its short and you will get over it.

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 Sun transit to  Uranus

Conjunction conjunction This is unexpected love affairs, new relations out of the blue, a different lave experience you never knew. You may seek free love and no obligation and totally free of limits. Could be a financial loss, but not significant.

(+)trine& sextile You may be looking for exciting and stimulus activities, interested in new sound or new art.

(-) opposition& square Sensuality that is peculiar and strange, cols be large age gap, But still exciting. Be car full of money spending.

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Sun transit to  Neptune

Conjunction conjunction It time with soul union with loved one, or you would be disappointed with a love that is not fulfilled. But generally you would do any thing for the loved one.

(+)trine& sextile A day dream activity. Art or special music sound can attract you. A great appreciation for art and beauty. It could be a short spiritual love affair.

(-) opposition& square High romantic imagination, kind of un realistic. You may expect too much from your loved one to live up to your romantic dreams


Sun transit to Pluto

Conjunction conjunction This could be an unusual and intense love relation, if the love can relate to your intensity and high passion it could be a great experiments.
Emotionally, you can be difficult to satisfy, as you tend to believe that there is always a greater intensity and experience that has so far eluded you, but which would be within your reach if only you could find the right partner.

(+)trine& sextile Your intimate personal relationships will be extremely important in your life, creating a
sphere of experience which can take you to both the heights and the depths of emotional

(-) opposition& square You will seek love out of the ordinary, Pluto venus brings a powerful love experience. You could under this transit to be manipulative and dishonest. Could even be out of marriage short love affair. HAVE CONTROLL !

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