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Neptun natal horoscope Neptune in transit to the planets


Neptune is the most difficult influence to handle. Life becomes unclear and confused. Can be an influence of idealism and illusion. Confusion of the real and the unreal. Be very careful of illusions and deception.
Neptune can reduce the sense of reality or distract the sense of responsibly. Fear, anxiety and insecurity can surface.
Stays in a sign for 14 years. In Pisces March 30, 2025.

Conjunction conjunction     oppositionopposition squaresquare   Trine & Sextile trine& sextile

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Sun transit to Sun

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Sun (Pisces strongly affected)
On the positive level it can make you very sensitive and compassionate. The negative side of this transit to the sun (The energy system of body and mind) you will feel that you are running out of the energy source. Can feel sorry for yourself and fatigue, just simply tired from life. Mainly for persons who has drinking problems and drugs addiction ! Do not put any physical pressure on your body.

 Opposition opposition of transit Neptune to Sun (Virgo affected)
You physical power will not be vital as usual, try not to use any type of drugs or alcohol. Confusion in mental prospers, self deletion, dishonest and if not cartful you will damage your reputation totally. Do not day dream, but work to fulfill your dreams. It is very important to notice the connection of your sun to other planets in the horoscope.
 Square square of transit Neptune to Sun (Sagittarius and Gemini affected)
Life direction can be un clear, confused and un certain. Very important to avoid physical stress. Expect for disappointments at work or family life. You have to get yourself to gather and really know who you are. Do not attach yourself to any mystical or occults cultures !

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 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Sun
This is a good transit to devote yourself to help other, if you set financially or settle in your mind. Have good creative imagination that can be adjusted to any project. This is good for all relationship with others, they will feel your concern for their needs. If really wealthy, start a foundation for the ones in need.It is great time to realize your dreams , use it positively.

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Sun transit to  Moon

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Moon
This is a real psychic transit, do not mix material with the conscious mind. It means you would not be able consciously dealing with actual material. Facts and reality could be bended to illusive thoughts and deception. Or being fascinated with an impossible idea. Like being excited with a person which is not suitable for you, you must be VERY CARFULL with fluids , mainly alcohol. if your chart shows tolerability to escapism. Try not to separate illusion from realism.

 Opposition opposition of transit Neptune to Moon
This is a transit of instability, being misunderstood, disappointment and trouble in public life. Your perception of reality is not clear at these times. Do not idealize any person to the extent of disappointed later on. Check carefully the reality. Try to be clear in all negotiation and mainly family life. Do not be out of touch, means reality.

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 Square square of transit Neptune to Moon
Its like the opposition, but you should avoid any person with negative emotions. Try to communicate as clear as possible !
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Moon
This is a very intuitive transit., high sensitive and empathy. You will feel that you need to help others and possibly it will bring a special spiritual love into your life. Highly increased awareness to the world

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Sun transit to Mercury

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Mercury
Rich imagination, fantasy, intuitive thinking and strong mind stimulation. Be cartful of self deceit or deceived by others, mainly in any negotiations. Use your sharp intuition at these times. This a good time to learn more about psychology.

 Opposition opposition of transit Neptune to Mercury
This could times of false thinking, poor judgment and confused ideas. Do not let other deceive you at any circumstances. You are also more aware to strange ideas, do not become obsessed with one. Unless it can be implemented, this transit is good for modern art artists or illusive tv actors.
 Square square of transit Neptune to Mercury
Keep all your thought for yourself otherwise you are in trouble, mainly with your authorities. Avoid important business decisions this time. You pretend to lie or others will lie to you, this is a very hazardous situation. Take care !
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Mercury
Immediate grasp of ideas and good intuitive traits. Extra ordinary perceptions. This is a great time to teach what you have learned. This is great for communicating with others about new ideas, any subject can be grasped by you at these times

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Sun transit to Venus

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Venus
Sensitive to love life, devotion, good taste, interest in poetry and highly romantic. The idealistic side of you is coming out at the highest, you can see beauty in every thing, it is a good aspect for creative artists actors and designers. But is also bring the beautifully illusion and fascination , just do not be carried away with this wave of idealism.

 Opposition opposition of transit Neptune to Venus
False feeling of love, strange erotic behavior, could be a victim to sado masochism. All love relations will surface now and will be examined, true or false. Keep truth from imagination, this will keep you in a stable relationship.
Any romance starting now, has to test itself during time, its too pinky now.
 Square square of transit Neptune to Venus
This is an aspect of disappointment in a love that started very idealistic. You could be attracted to a person that you can never get. You may find the real truth after you wake up from a dreamy relationship.
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Venus
This can lead to the dream girl in your life, if it comes now it can be the most romantic and idealistic ever. But it should be tested by the time. GOOD LUCK !

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Sun transit to Mars

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Mars
A strong desire to fulfil and wishes for plans. Very intellectual stimulation, great time to learn to be totally honest with yourself and others. The only negative side is susceptibility to medication.

 Opposition opposition of transit Neptune to Mars
Wishes not followed up by actions, inability to gain energy, moodiness and physical weakness. In business you should stay away from a false promises, in general you would not be able to use full energy in a new project. You are just going through times of low energy.
 Square square of transit Neptune to Mars
Same as opposition
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Mars
This time success will not be your aim, you will be happy with what you got. You may participate in a spiritual moment. This is good times for peace of mind. Not to exert yourself too much, just sit back for while.

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Sun transit to Jupiter

Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Jupiter
Hopefulness, high idealism, spiritual and intellectual relation, social understanding, generosity, recognition and success. This is one of the favorable aspect of Neptune. Natural idealism and willing to help others. You would like to make your ideals come true. IT IS A REAL PILANTROPY !

 Oppositionopposition & Square square of transit Neptune to Jupiter
False hope, speculation, dishonesty in business, coon artists and con man. Your feet should be on ground, you can be mislead by dishonest person. Do not be over confident. You feel that you can not fall, but day will tell the opposite. Do not trust people under this transit.
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Jupiter
Some optimism about future events, you will take some risk which you do not take usually, but with care. Also helping underdog is highly this time. You may get read of some material that you do not need any more and stick to valuable ones.

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Sun transit to  Saturn

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Saturn
This is not an easy transit, on the contrary it quit difficult, confusing and even depressive. Reality with neptune becomes very confusing. The real meaning here is the your reality is chancing. The best thing to do is to get into comfort surrounding and face reality.
It has some positive aspects if saturn is placed good in the horoscope. Gaining of experience and working methodically. Its good time to realize what was illusion and what was reality in life.

 Opposition opposition& Square square of transit Neptune to Saturn
Being in conflicts with others, suffering silently and feeling inhibited. You are becoming afraid that you have not accomplished enough and withdrew from important tasks. But it is in your own mind and if you grasp this situation and handle it with you conscious you can get over it.
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Saturn
This is the time that idealism and reality are combined in your mind. Good times to think what could be done to secure the future. You starting to understand what is true and what was false in you life. You will know what you need and what has to disappear from your life. Just try to follow you priorities and separate ideal from real.

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 Sun transit to  Uranus

 Conjunction conjunction of transit Neptune to Uranus
Not in our time

 Opposition opposition &  Square squareof transit Neptune to Uranus
Interest in the unusual and intellectual curiosity. Lack of resistance and energy.
Life turning point. It depends on other transits in the horoscope.
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Uranus
Discover deeper dimensions of life. If you are settled financially, you will become more interested in the spiritual realms. High intuitive powers and becoming interested in the world perceptions. Very interested in the true life meaning, could even get into astrology. New ideas and views can come up. Neptune and uranus are interesting combinations

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Sun transit to  Neptune

 Conjunction conjunction & Opposition oppositionof transit Neptune to Neptune
Not in our time 
 Square square of transit Neptune to Neptune
This is a middle age crisis, it occurs when you are around 40 years old. High spiritual development and changes in life style. You may try to realize a long time dream.
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Neptune
This occurs when you are after 50 years old. You examine your life and try to correct what went wrong. You will be willing to help and get nothing in return.

Sun transit to Pluto

 Square square of transit Neptune to Pluto
Deep psychological change, it is hard to tell exactly, only if you see the rest of the horoscope.
 Sextile & Trine trine& sextile transit of Neptune to Pluto
This is time for new changes in life, it depends on your experience of life. If you accomplished your goals, you will be content, if not there is still time to revaluate and change, it appends in the late 50's, so still time can tell. You are very much in touch with you inner self and can maneuver the right way.

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