Sextile to planet
Neptune symbolizes spirituality, fantasy and imagination, Glamour,
dreams, magic, sensitivity. This planet related to addictions
and obsessive behavior.
In sextile most of the recent years
Sextile to pluto are constantly in about 60 °
influences of these planets are global in effect and represent
the evolutionary process by which man continually strives to
achieve ultimate perfection. They indicate man's reaching out
toward other dimensions of experience while trying to maintain
order in the real world to which he is materially bound. People
are becoming more aware of the probability that other worlds
exist, and all our scientific skills will be used in attempts
to reach them. A similar assault is being made in the quest
to explore the vast inner world of man. Neptune represents that
world, while Pluto refes to the outer reaches of infinite space.
Both worlds are truly infinite, and although man is pursuing
similar goals in each direction, this author believes that neither
quest excludes the other. It is suggested that the same goals
will ultimately be reached regardless of which direction is
taken. One either reaches out in the natural world in search
of answers or seeks those answers in the inner depths of his
own spiritual being. Man's familiarity with the physical wprld
makes it the most plausible and safe area in which to seek tangible
answers to the question of why he exists at all. While he struggles
in this search, there is an equally courageous struggle to find
answers through the occult. |