Square to planets
Saturn symbolizes realism, limitation, pessimism, authority
and research. It is realistic and practical, and it will lead
us to take responsibility for our lives.
Suare to Uranus
may arise in life when you are attempting to solve problems
by applying existing attitudes which then fail to work. You
often find the need for change deeply disturbing, and have an
intuitive fear that if you allow that process to occur, then
your life would fall apart. When you have to make decisions
regarding new situations, you can find it hard to make a final
choice, unless you discover a way to do so which reinforces
your existing attitudes and preferences; if it involves a new
direction, then you become uneasy, trying to find a way to retreat
back towards your old familiar patterns.
Suare to Neptune
is probable that the Saturn energy will be the dominant one,
with the Neptune energy occasionally repressed for practical
reasons. If you allow Saturn to be too emphasized, then opportunities
may be lost through excessive evaluation and lack of decisiveness
that fear of the unknown will also act as a restrictive and
inhibiting factor. You are likely to erect a well-defined lifestyle
and personality structure which allows relatively little space
for the Neptunian influence to be expressed, as it is more anarchic
and expansionary. What can occur is a sense of confusion regarding
your own personal limitations, where they begin to feel imprisoning
and Neptune agitates to dissolve those barriers and to experience
those repressed dreams that you are attempting to ignore. A
careful balancing of both these planetary energies is essential,
both for inner harmony and for external success. Otherwise,
degrees of distortion and lack of perspective will increase,
as the Neptune influence demonstrates its repressed presence
through more negative characteristics. |
Suare to Pluto
ease of self-expression and creativity is likely to be blocked,
and you are always wary of revealing too much of yourself to
others, in case they begin to take advantage of you; and in
any case, you lack self-confidence and inner stability. Emotionally,
you may be quite unstable, probably repressing much of your
feeling life, because that is what has been damaged previously.
This leads you to attempt to create a life of predictability
and stability as a counterpoint to those feelings of emotional
flux and vulnerability. Certainly you are quite resistant to
change, especially within relationships, as you rely on those
few close ones in your life to give a sense of security; and
because of this fear, you suppress
inner movement or outer change until a crisis point is reached
where a 'releasing
explosion' is the only way for the blocked energy to move. |