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Jupiter Opposition to planetsNatal Jupiter in horoscope


Jupiter is the greatest planet in our zodiac and therefore it is expansion, aspirations and hope. Jupiter also represents sense of justice, idealism, wisdom, optimism, generosity and humor. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune.


Moon  transit to Saturn

Jupiter Opposition to Saturn

These incline to melancholy and disappointment, and often to instability and a dislike of any settled condition; the native is restless and dissatisfied at heart, or, if he attains inner content, he does so at the price of considerable self-denial. The combination does not forbid success, but it demands a heavy price of toil, self-control, hardship and self-abnegation. It is a common feature in military nativities, indicating the privations and restrictions of military life and the constant thwarting of initiative and free expression which characterise it.

Moon  transit to Uranus

Jupiter Opposition to Uranus

This is a combination of originality, discovery, championship and leadership. In the maps of ordinary people it may be to some extent a dumb note or may operate in a limited manner in external rather than psychological shape; but it is also frequently found in the nativities of famous and outstanding persons. It is, as a rule, forceful, magnetic and unconventional, and it is both destructive and constructive, self-willed, determined and vigorous in action. It is comparatively unusual in the maps of those who have lived quiet lives (such as Isaac Newton), but when the Ascendant shows such an inclination as this the mental outlook may still be positive and decided. Newton had Libra rising, which inclines to quietude, but astrologers remember his firm retort to one who ridiculed his belief in Astrology: “I have studied the matter; you have not.”
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Moon  transit to Neptune

Jupiter Oppositiont to Neptune

There are cases where extreme sensitiveness to the sufferings of others lead to revolutionary tendencies of an ungoverned kind, such as Vaillant, the French anarchist and bomb-thrower.

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Moon  transit to Pluto

Jupiter Opposition to Pluto

Your tendency will be to make career moves that restrict or inhibit your opportunities for inner growth and change. You can manage to get yourself installed in a job that, while good for finances, is a dead end for you from the point of view of personal change. The worst part is that you get combative toward any challenge to your right to avoid situations that require grow and change.

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